GrafEq - The Easy Button Floating Window
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Macintosh Manual

Chapter 2. The Easy Button Floating Window

The easy button floating window provides buttons that assist you in entering relations. Easy buttons are especially useful when entering symbols not readily available from the keys on a standard keyboard. The easy button floating window automatically appears when a relation or custom ticks definition is being edited. It can be shown, or hidden, by selecting Easy Buttons from a Relation menu or a Custom Ticks menu.

Buttons within the floating window are organized into groups, based on common usage: related symbols and operations are contained within each group. These groups are presented in alphabetical order. Figure 2.1 shows the easy button floating window displaying group headings, with only the Basic group of easy buttons expanded:

The default easy button floating window
Figure 2.1: The default easy button floating window

Details about the easy buttons are explained in Appendix A, the Easy Buttons appendix. Following are some notes about the floating window:

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